Parents of students at Crookston Public Schools began picking up packets of information, supplies for projects and additional technology so that each student in a household has a device for distance learning.  Several parents talked with KROX about their thoughts on distance learning and how their kids are dealing with being out of school.

Jenipher Weber said her kids were missing their friends but that the school has been great with the lunches and technology assistance. “At least they are doing something to keep them educated and keep them learning,” said Weber.  “It’s tough.  The kids are struggling. They miss school. They miss their friends.  I think they just miss the structure that they want and need.  It’s a struggle but they like that little later bedtime and not having to get up early, so there is that plus.  The school has been great about the lunches and the technology assistance, so it’s been going good.”

Jason Meyer said he thought the distance learning would be good but hoped the world would be able to return to normal shortly.  “I think distance learning is something good to keep the kid’s minds set and keep them from thinking about what’s going on in the real world,” said Meyer.  “Hopefully, it will work with most of these kids being at home.  A lot of us parents still have to work and won’t be there during the day.  I think it’s a good idea.  Hopefully, it works out and the world can go back to normal here shortly.”

Meyer also said internet access is a key for his kids enjoying themselves. “Mine are enjoying themselves,” said Meyer.  “As long as there is internet at home that’s probably our saving grace.  Our house would be a war zone without it.”

Andy Nissen said he thought the challenge of distance learning would be interesting, especially with five kids. “It’s going to be pretty interesting trying to do it, especially with five kids,” said Nissen.  “We’re all going to teach ourselves and learn, see where it goes.”

Nissen said his youngest child wants to go back to school but they are trying to find ways to burn off energy and stay active at home. “My youngest one wants to go back to school,” said Nissen.  “But it’s hard, they have a lot of energy to burn off. We’re trying to keep their gym and all that somehow through the house and outside.”

Lisa Cole said she is worried about the younger kids learning how to use the computers but said that the teachers have been sending daily communication and making themselves available via phone already.  “I think it’s going to be good as long as everybody is on the same and knows what to do,” said Cole.  “I’m kind of worried about the younger kids learning how to use computers and stuff, but the teachers are really involved.  They’re keeping everybody updated, sending almost daily emails letting us know how to do things and what to do.  They are always open to phone calls if we have any questions.  My kids at home have already connected with their Google Classrooms, so they are already talking with all of their friends.  They are staying in touch and they still seem pretty excited even though all of this is going on.”

Cole said her kids are a little stir crazy but they’ve been using technology to stay in touch with friends. “They are a little stir crazy,” said Cole.  “We’re making a lot of phone calls and a lot of FaceTime and talking through the computer to try to stay in touch so that they don’t lose those important relationships.  We’re working on it with electronics. Everything is going to be electronic, so I think that it will be okay.”

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