The Crookston Park and Recreation Board met on Monday night inside City Hall to discuss an extension on a 50/50 Grant Awarded to the Downtown Crookston Development Partnership, a naming policy update, and an update on locations for outdoor skating rinks this winter.

A few board members including Parks and Recreation Director Jake Solberg joined the meeting via zoom due to sickness. The meeting began with the approval of the October 18 meeting minutes which the board approved unanimously.


The board heard an update from Solberg regarding the outdoor skating rink survey that was recently sent out to the public asking where they would like to see outdoor skating rinks placed this winter. 189 people completed the survey and after reviewing the information, and looking at potential options, the department decided on two locations for outdoor skating rinks this winter.

The locations for the rinks will be at Carman Park and the Highland Complex. Parks & Recreation Supervisor Scott Butt explained why those two locations were deemed the best option. “I think Carman was an easy decision because it’s in an open area,” said Butt. “It’s also a very good area because there are a lot of families up there, so we feel will get the most usage in a location like that. As far as Ray Ecklund complex goes, there use to be a skating rink at the horseshoe pit area there, so we thought why not bring it back where it once was. We already have a warming house there, so why not give it a try. If it doesn’t work out well this year we can re-adjust and always change it moving forward.”

Boards for the rinks could be put up as soon as this week, with the flooding and freezing of the ice taking place as soon as temperatures are consistently cold enough.


The board then heard and discussed a 50/50 Grant extension for the Downtown Crookston Development Partnership (DCDP). City Administrator Amy Finch discussed the grant, and why the extension is needed. “In the early spring, the DCDP applied for and was awarded a grant through the park board and was going to use some of that money towards signage for walking trails. One of the signs involved was the Central Park entrance sign,” said Finch. “We thought it would make the most sense to time that works with the campground project, and since we are looking at extending the timeline for the campground project, an extension was needed for this grant. It doesn’t make sense to force them into using that money within a time frame if it can be used at a later date.”

The board was only hearing an update from Finch, and no action was needed or taken.


A resolution for naming the City of Crookston’s parks and facilities went before Crookston City Council at their last meeting and was approved after some discussion. Finch explained what update the Parks & Recreation Board received tonight, what the naming policy does for the City of Crookston, and how it affects the park board. “Because this was mentioned at the last park board meeting, I wanted to discuss and update the board on how this policy is moving forward,” said Finch. “This allows a structured process and set of criteria that must be met for naming parks and landmarks. It also gives people an easy way to state they want the re-naming of a property or park through this application process.”

The new naming policy will also allow the park board to approve the re-naming of a park or facility before it is before City Council for final approval.

The board also heard a brief update from Solberg regarding the swimming pool. A few major issues have been occurring at the pool with the lining of the pipes, and circulation of the water. The decision has been made to close the pool effective Monday, November 22, for maintenance. The anticipation and hope is to have the issues fixed and the pool back open and operating on Monday, December 27. This will allow enough time to correctly fix the problems.

The next meeting will take place on Monday, December 20, and it will be the last one for 2021.

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