Mother nature hasn’t cooperated with the construction of the Subway restaurant construction on the corner of Main Street and 6th Street in Crookston.
The first delay came in the winter with the cold weather and all the snow, now the rain is causing delays.
Store owner Neil Ebeling said the concrete for the parking lot was supposed to be poured more than a week ago, but the rain has kept that from happening in turn delaying work on and within the building itself. “With the terrible winter that we had, the trusses went in two weeks late,” said Ebeling.  “They couldn’t frame it because they couldn’t get in because of all the snow.  It really bogged everything down with the weather.  Now there is the rain.  They were supposed to be pouring the parking lot the end of last weekend.  With all the rain we’re behind on that and they still can’t get in to get everything graded out, poured and everything else.  We’re way, way, way, way behind so I don’t even know where our schedule is right now.  We’re definitely not going to be open for June.”

The delays mean the tradesman who have committed to other jobs have started those and Ebeling said they’ll have to figure out when they can get the different tradesman back to the building. “Right now, all the trades have committed to other jobs,” said Ebeling.  “So now they have to squeeze us in when they can squeeze us in.  We’ll really be at the mercy of when the trades can get in like the electricians.  Everybody is so tight staffed that you don’t have guys sitting around waiting for work to do. They’ve got guys that are on jobs, working jobs now that we’ve hit summer.  I’d say within two weeks I should have a better idea of what that timeline is going to look like.”

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