Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Here is an update with the latest news from Saint Paul.

Driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants

Both the Judiciary committee and the Public Safety committee have heard a bill to create a new driver’s license for illegal immigrants. This bill has many problems, one of which is that the Department of Public Safety simply doesn’t have the capacity to create and issue a new driver’s license. Because of the MNLARS failure, it already takes longer than it should to process driver’s licenses and adding even more work for staff is not the answer.

HF 8 and HF 9

There have been multiple hearings for two gun bills – HF 8 (universal background checks) and HF 9 (red flag bill). HF 8 creates new regulations that would prevent routine transfers of guns between friends and family, and would limit permits to purchase to one firearm every thirty days. HF 9 could cause law abiding gun owners to have their guns taken away before they have a chance to defend themselves at a hearing. I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and I will oppose any efforts to infringe on the rights of Minnesotans.

Health and Human Services

The HHS committee has been hearing a lot of bills with serious impacts to Greater Minnesota. One of the most troubling bills is HF 3, the bill to establish a buy-in option for MinnesotaCare. This bill would cause huge problems for Greater Minnesota because it would cut reimbursements to providers, putting rural and critical access hospitals at risk. It wouldn’t do anything to lower premiums, and may even cause them to increase.


Congratulations to the East Grand Forks boys’ hockey team for winning their game yesterday! The Green Wave defeated Minnesota River 5-2, and will take on St. Cloud Cathedral today – great work and good luck! [EDITOR’S NOTE: Green Wave lost 6-2 Friday, will play in 3rd place game]

Thank you

I want to thank everyone who has supported my family during this challenging time. Lonn continues to improve every day and we are hopeful for a full recovery. I look forward to getting back to work for our district at the Legislature.

It’s an honor and privilege to work for you at the Capitol. Don’t hesitate to contact my office at any time this session to share your thoughts, concerns or ideas. I am here to serve you!

