Red Lake Falls Receives PFA Loans
It was announced earlier this week that Red Lake Falls will receive more than $3 million in water infrastructure funding. The funds will come from a $728,160 Clean Water Revolving Fund loan and a Drinking Water Revolving Fund loan of $2,286,072. The loans will be used to rehabilitate the sanitary sewer collection system and replace water mains in the southwest portion of the city. The two loans are expected to save the city $185,972 when compared to market-rate loans.

DHS Mistakes Cost Another $23 Million

We recently found out that the Department of Human Services (DHS) made three more mistakes that will cost taxpayers $23 million, on top of the millions in waste we already knew about. The mistakes involved cash payments, foster care centers, and a huge increase in the amount of money wasted by improper billing for drug abuse treatment.

Despite reports of improper billing, mistakes, and retaliation going back months at DHS, House Democrats have decided to wait to hold a hearing on these DHS issues until the end of the year.

American Crystal Tour and Local Senate Hearing
I was invited to join a tour of American Crystal last week before a Senate Agriculture  Committee hearing in Crookston. I enjoyed seeing all the hard work being done at Crystal! I was also thankful for the opportunity to speak to the Senate committee about the challenges our agriculture community is experiencing at the hearing. As we all know, agriculture is a huge part of our community here in District 1B, and this harvest season has been more difficult than most with the flooding and freezing we have experienced.

Please Contact Me
It’s an honor and privilege to work for you at the Capitol. Don’t hesitate to contact my office at any time this session to share your thoughts, concerns or ideas. I am here to serve you!

Deb Kiel

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