How long have you’ve served on the Crookston Area Chamber Board of Directors? January 2019

What has been your proudest moment while serving? Being able to assist in the recruitment for Chamber members and to be recognized in the community as a Chamber board member allowing me to help answer questions and share in the vision of the Chamber. It has helped me gain new relationships I have really enjoyed.

Name something you have learned since serving as a Chamber Board of Directors.  Having the ability to serve the community and community members through a new role has shown me the importance of supporting Chamber and community members to help our local community grow together for the good.

Please share your thoughts on the importance of being a Chamber member.  As a small community, it is essential to provide support for each other as developing programs and businesses. The Chamber’s role is just that to provide a connection amongst each other and help with networking and supporting businesses that are working to support the community.

Tell us about your family and what you do for a living.  I am born and raised in Crookston formally Molly Simmons.  I am married to my husband Seth and we are blessed with a son. I am the owner of Choice Therapy and an Occupational Therapist.

If you could be a professional athlete which sport would you choose?  This has changed over the years my younger self would say basketball but as I get older definitely golf or tennis as I could spend more time outdoors and probably not have as many aches and pains following.

We all have “quirks” what is one of yours?  I have a water bottle obsession. I have way too many and I have no self-control when I see a new one that I like.