The Crookston Housing and Economic Development Authority (CHEDA) board met Wednesday morning at Valley Technology Park.

Theresa Tahran, CHEDA’s Housing Specialist, gave a Housing Report. There is only one opening at Oak Court. They have around 130 vouchers for Section 8 housing, six project-based/emergency housing vouchers, and only 12 people looking for housing. Tahran updated the board on the house at 1410 Eickhof Boulevard for sale. The house is roughly 1,392 square feet with an attached heated garage, which was 720 square feet.

A contract with Houston Engineering Services was approved, which will now allow Houston Engineering Services to prepare its preliminary engineering report for the new industrial park. They will look into roads, sewer/water, and the railroad spur, which was granted to the Minnesota Northern Railroad.  

The last item the board spoke on was a potential architectural incubation that could take place in Crookston. “There’s an architectural firm; they are actually friends of mine, and they have a license in Minnesota. They are considering putting in an incubator at the Valley Tech Park building to help another architect get going here and there, looking for a local person who already is an architect or is graduating as an architect,” said City of Crookston’s Community Development Director, Karie Kirschbaum.  “They have plenty of business in Boston to keep them busy until we start to develop the business in Crookston. Still, I think with all the projects we have going on in Crookston, all the builders and what we do need to have to happen, especially since we all know we have a shortage of housing and retrofitting buildings, that would be exciting, so stay tuned for that one I hope I have more information at the end of June for you on that.” 



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