The Crookston Housing and Economic Development Authority (CHEDA) board met Tuesday morning at Valley Technology Park.
The meeting began with approving the agenda and minutes for the May 29 and June 13 meetings. After those items were approved, Housing Director Theresa Tahran did the housing report. The main thing in the housing report was that the home located at 1410 Eickhof Boulevard was back on the market for sale. The house is roughly 1,392 square feet with an attached heated garage, which is 720 square feet.
After this, the board discussed some housing rebates people may want to apply for. One is the Home Efficiency Rebate Program, and the other is the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate Program. The Crookston EDA’s Karie Kirschbaum details the grants: “Yeah, so we are excited. We have been to some webinar meetings, me and my department staff. We found out that the state is going to have two different grants coming out. One is called HOME, and the other is HEAR. One will be for insulating homes and updating electrical panels. The other will be for replacing appliances. I believe it is $14,000 between the two of them, which is pretty exciting. Stay tuned. We’ll be making sure that everybody is aware that we are going to do some marketing campaigns so people understand what is out there, and more of that will come through the fall. Then, hopefully, by next year, the state will fund that. It will be first come, first serve, but they have $150,000,000 set aside for that.”
The board concluded their meeting by approving updated housing policies aligned with the state of Minnesota’s policies. They also authorized the potential sale of a section of land within the industrial park. Furthermore, they deliberated on finalizing the drafted audit, which will become the official audit. Initial discussions regarding the 2025 budget for the CHEDA board also began today, though the planning process is still in its early stages.