CHS Leo Club and CPD collect over 1,100 pounds of food for the Care and Share

The Crookston High School Leo Club and the Crookston Police Department collected approximately 1,100 pounds of non-perishable food items during their Food Drive on Thursday evening at the high school. A note of thanks from Crookston High School Leo Club advisor Linda Morgan is below.

“On, behalf of the Leo Club and the CPD, I would like to thank the Crookston Community for giving canned goods for our Care & Share Center Food Shelf, on our Halloween Night Food Drive By, and the Leos going around in the neighborhoods of Crookston.  We received approximately 1,100 pounds of food.   We gave out about 130 bags of candy and safety materials to the young children in the vehicle.  Thanks to everyone who helped make this a success again this year.”

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