Crookston High School Drama students are getting ready to compete in this year’s One-Act Play competition. The group of thespians has been working hard to put together a well-known story, the story of Henry VIII, in a play called “Queens.” The High School will have a public performance of the One-Act on Tuesday, January 21, at 7:00 p.m. in the CHS Auditorium.
The play’s setting is Purgatory, a holding space where you are atoning for your sins, says Director Beth Carlson. “So, Henry Vlll, at the top of the show, we see him chained to his throne where he has been for well over 500 years, “says Carlson. “Because the queens and his mistresses, his ladies in waiting, and the fool attending him are all trying to get him to repent.”
If Henry were to repent, he would be let free of his chains, and that is the story. “So basically, that’s the story, and there are many, many, in an abbreviated version, many, many stories of what went on in King Henry’s life,” says Carlson. “In 35 minutes, which is quick, but they are working so hard, those kids.”
Carlson hopes that people will come to see the play to support the students and give them an audience ahead of the competition. “It’s not a real long commitment, and it goes very quickly,” says Carlson. I encourage you to come and see these kids, as they have worked so hard and would love an audience before we go to competition.”
It’s always nice to compete on your home stage, but this year, the competition is being hosted by Ada. The completion will be held on Thursday, January 23, and Crookston’s curtain time is at 7:00 p.m. “If anyone wants to come to Ada and watch, they are certainly welcome to.”
The Crookston High School cast and crew for QUEENS include –
FOOL – Leah Johanneck
HENRY P, Henry Vlll in Purgatory – Elle Pierson
HENRY D, Henry Vlll in Dream – Zac Plante and Daniel Jones
ANNE B (BOLEYN) – Raelynn Hoiseth
JANE S (SEYMOUR) – Ella Lanctot
KATHRYN H (HOWARD) – Maya Aguilar
KATHERINE P (PARR) – Hayley Leckie
THE GOSSIPS: Women or (Courtiers) in white
BESSIE B (BLOUNT) – Haley Voss
JOAN D (DINGLEY) – Peyton Krenzel
MARGARET S (SHELTON) – Lily Olmstead
MARY B (BOELYN) – Ella Lanctot and Shayla Azure
ANNE H (HASTINGS) – Hayley Leckie and Maya Aguilar
GOSSIP – Raelynn Hoiseth
Nashelle Tellez Vasquez
Mollie Samuelson
Summer Loundis
Director: Beth Carlson
Assistant to the Director: Zac Plante
Costumer: Phylis Hagen
Set: Gary Stegman and Trey Everett