City of Crookston is Accepting Non-Profit Grant Applications. Deadline To Apply is Ocotber 18.

The City of Crookston will award grants to local non-profit organizations in 2025. If your non-profit organization is requesting funds from the city, you are asked to fill out an online form on the City of Crookston website under the Finance tab no later than October 18th, 2024.

  Holly Eckstein, the Finance Director for The City of Crookston, explains what information will be needed to process each application. “Some of the information required to apply for that grant is the amount you are requesting for 2025,” says Eckstein. “You will need to provide financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2023; we would also like to see your budget and year-to-date financials for 2024 and then your proposed budget for 2025.”

In anticipation of an organization being awarded a grant, Eckstein also says they want to see a current W-9 for 2024. Having this will allow them to issue the funds if they are awarded.

There are a couple of ways to submit grant applications, as Eckstein explains. “You can submit an application online; it’s found on the City of Crookston website,” says Eckstein. “You go under government, then departments and then finance, the application is there.” For anyone who would like to submit the information directly to The City of Crookston, that works as well. “If you want to submit this information, you can drop it off at City Hall at 124 N. Broadway.”

Once again, and as Eckstein explained, the cutoff date is fast approaching. “The cutoff date is October 18, 2024, and then on Monday, October 28, any non-profit who submitted an application is welcome to join us at that meeting to discuss your grant proposal.”

 Non-profit organizations that submit the forms are again welcome to attend the regularly scheduled City Council Meeting on Monday, October 28th, at 5:30 p.m. to discuss their grant proposal. 

To answer any of your questions, please reach out to Finance Director Holly Eckstein –

Link to Application –


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