Submitted by Andrew Larson, Executive Director for Tri-County Community Corrections

May 3 – 9, 2020 is Correctional Officers and Employees Week.  On May 5, 1984, President Ronald Reagan issued Proclamation 5187, which designated the first full week of May each year as National Correctional Officers and Employees Week in recognition of the professionalism, dedication, and courage exhibited by these men and women.

Tri-County Community Corrections (TCCC) would like to take this opportunity to honor its Correctional employees at both the Northwest Regional Corrections Center (NWRCC) and Red River Valley Juvenile Center (RRVJC) and recognize the valuable service that they provide to their communities. Regardless of their role, whether it be as a Corrections Officer, Youth Counselor, Educator, or Program staff member, TCCC employees regularly perform their work with care, compassion, and humanity.

Jail staff continues to deal with a segment of society that is often at their all-time low.  2019 saw the single highest daily population since the facility opened along with the 2nd highest average daily population for a calendar year.  Despite these record-high numbers, violations and significant incidents have not escalated.  Jail staff demonstrates a level of empathy and compassion which sets them apart from so many others around the state.

Juvenile Center staff are encountering greater instances of serious mental illness and volatility amongst the children under their care.  Many of the children that walk through the doors of the RRVJC have been subjected to abuse in their homes and have struggled in their school environment.  Despite the challenges, Juvenile Center staff have made these often bullied and belittled kids feel safe and comfortable in an environment typically filled with anger and resentment. 

The culture which exists within both of these departments is one of caring, compassion, and the recognition that people make mistakes but are capable of change.  It is because of the culture manifested through the actions of staff that we’ve not had some of the significant staff assaults seen in other jurisdictions, especially as the prevalence of inmate violence against corrections staff increases.  The commitment of these brave men and women is magnified further during the current COVID-19 pandemic.  Employees of the NWRCC and RRVJC come to work on a daily basis and continue the work they have committed to, even in the face of enhanced risk.

Take time this week to recognize the corrections staff in both the jail and juvenile center for the difficult and demanding work they do.