The Crookston City Council will meet Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall council chambers.
The consent agenda includes the approval of bills and disbursements in the amount of $123,702.23 and the approval of the Crookston Community pool budget.  They agenda also includes the calling for public hearings to consider amending the current franchise agreement with Ottertail Power Company and Red Lake Electric.  The council will be asked to approve entering into an agreement with Short Elliot Hendrickson Inc. for the Crookston Airport master plan and to adopt the code of ethics and conduct policy.
The only item on the regular agenda is the addition of a gateway overlay district.


The Crookston Ways and Means Committee will meet in the City Hall council chambers after the City Council meeting.
Items on the agenda include adding a town home to Bob Herkenhoff’s tax abatement agreement with the city.  The agenda includes a land agreement to sell 100 acres of land at the Colborn property to Epitome Energy and a loan of $1,250,000 at zero interest for one year with Epitome Energy.
The council will be asked to share priorities for Capital improvements in 2020 and beyond.
The ways and means committee will also look at making changes to the public comment period, including the addition of a sign in sheet and note cards for the individual to write down the nature of their comments in advance, a time limit of two to three minutes per individual and 15 minutes total and adding rules of decorum with comments being respectful and not allowing unwarranted accusations.
The final topic on the agenda is not having the Crookston Times as the official newspaper now that they are no longer a daily newspaper.  The city would use their website to post public notices.