The Crookston City Council met on Monday night inside the City Hall Council Chambers. Bobby Baird addressed the Council during the open forum, asking if racing and events will be held throughout the winter season at Central Park. City Administrator Amy Finch informed Baird there will be a discussion held tomorrow during a staff meeting, and she will be able to get an answer back to Baird at that time. Finch expressed she does feel the park will be open for upcoming events this winter.


The first item on the agenda was an update from Former State representative Marty Seifert on the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities. City Administrator Amy Finch provided the update the Council received. “What Seifert did tonight was run through a few things the legislature considered this year and what the final outcome was,” said Finch. “There were no cuts to LGA, a slight increase in streets for cities over 5,000. There is some childcare funding available, and he also talked about how some cities will be challenging the census data. We will certainly take that back, and Marty will be a resource for us in the future as we move forward with that.”

The entire presentation and information can be found on the city of Crookston website by finding the October 25 City Council agenda.


The Consent Agenda included approval of the meeting minutes from October 11 and approval of City of Crookston bills and disbursements in the amount of $143,628.02. The Consent Agenda also included nine resolutions declaring cost to be assessments and ordering the preparation of proposed assessments for street reconstruction projects 975-983. All items on the Consent Agenda were approved unanimously.


The Regular Agenda then included nine resolutions calling for public hearings on the proposed assessments on projects 975-983. Finch talked about the process and the need to call public hearings on the projects. “Our city clerks’ office will be preparing notices for how properties will be affected by this with what the proposed assessment will be,” said Finch. “At the time of the public hearing, any concerned party or someone who is affected by the assessment can come in and talk and express their concern. We will have our Engineer and Public Works Director available on that day and will be able to answer any questions people may have at that time.”

The board approved the nine resolutions unanimously on the proposed assessments, and the public hearings for them will take place on November 22.

Below are the street reconstruction projects and the proposed cost assessments for the public hearings on November 22.

  • PROJECT 975: Stephens Drive – Hoven Lane to Radisson Road by Street Reconstruction: Estimated total cost $375,428.25.


  • PROJECT 976: Grant Street – North Front to Widman Lane by Street Reconstruction: Estimated total cost $160,428.81.


  • PROJECT 977: North Front Street – Sixth Street to Sherman Street by Bituminous Mill & Overlay: Estimated total cost $344,630.06.


  • PROJECT 978: Riverside Avenue – Victoria Street to Summit Avenue by Bituminous Mill & Overlay: Estimated total cost $128,544.57.


  • PROJECT 979: Elm Street – Fourth Street to Summit Avenue by Bituminous Mill & Overlay: Estimated total cost $236,839.10.


  • PROJECT 980: Fourth Avenue North – North Broadway Street to Alexander Street by Bituminous Mill & Overlay: Estimated total cost $104,772.13.


  • PROJECT 981: Central Avenue – North Ash Street to Albert Street by Bituminous Mill & Overlay: Estimated total cost $130,434.64.


  • PROJECT 982: Seventh Avenue South – South Main Street to Marshall Street by Bituminous Mill & Overlay: Estimated total cost $67,000.48.


  • PROJECT 983: South Broadway Bridge – South Main Street to Houston Avenue by Concrete Mill & Overlay: Estimated total cost $643,529.21.



The next item on the agenda was a resolution calling for a public hearing on proposed assessments for unpaid water and sewer charges and current services. The board approved the resolution for the public hearing to take place on November 22.

The next item on the agenda was a resolution approving a donation of $100.00 from Gene & Geri Ovsak for Crookston Fire Department Smoke Detectors. The board approved the request unanimously.

The last item on the agenda was a resolution to approve Financial Accounting Review for the Crookston Housing & Economic Development Authority. Finch discussed the details of the resolution. “CHEDA annually has an audit each year just like the city and many other organizations,” said Finch. “This was rather a Financial Accounting Review to look more into specific activities such as loans and some of the housing grants.”

The board voted against the resolution 4-3. Council members Kristie Jerde, Clayton Briggs, and Don Cavailier voted yes, while Dylane Klatt, Tom Vedbratten, Steve Erickson, and Joe Kresl voted no. Council Member Wayne Melbye was not in attendance.

The resolution was to have Abdo, Eick & Myers LLP review the financials for $13,000 in payment. The price was within the CHEDA budget. However, some council members voiced their opinion and wanted to see a better bid process and, with a few uncertainties, voted against the resolution.

Council Member Steve Erickson discussed why he voted against passing the resolution. “The cost was the biggest concern for me,” said Erickson. “I just thought we needed to postpone it until later, get some bids on it, and see if there is a lower price out there. It’s not a necessity by any means because it’s essentially teaching us to do what we used to do. I felt we could find a better way to spend the $13,000.”

The Ways & Means Committee meeting scheduled to take place following the City Council meeting was canceled due to a lack of agenda items. The next City Council meeting will take place on November 8.