Crookston City Council to hold a Special Meeting

The Crookston City Council will have a special meeting on Monday, September 16 at 6:00 p.m. in the Crookston City Hall Council Chambers. 

The agenda for the special meeting includes – 
The first agenda item is reading an ordinance creating the City of Crookston Housing Trust Fund. The second item is a resolution calling for a Public Hearing with respect to Adopting the City Code regarding creating the City of Crookston Housing Trust Fund. The third agenda item is the first reading of an ordinance amending section 30.02 B & C of Crookston City Code. The final agenda item is a resolution calling for a Public Hearing with respect to adopting the City Code regarding amending sections 30.02 B and 30.02 C.

After the meeting, they will immediately begin a budget discussion meeting.

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