The Crookston City Council will meet Monday, March 8 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The meeting will include a mayoral proclamation for Support Our Troops week, and a Respect Minnesota presentation.

The consent agenda includes approving the February 22 meeting minutes; approving bills and disbursements totaling $274,132.79; extending the local emergency due to COVID-19; appointing Jeremy Olson to the Charter Commission; and approving a lawful gambling premise permit for the Confidence Learning Center at the Crookston Eagles.

The regular agenda includes a resolution to approve a variance request from the Ag Innovation Campus on the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The request for a rollover curb on the Stephens Drive reconstruction project from 16 of the 21 properties affected by the approved project. There are also two purchase requests from the Parks and Recreation Department. First, for a 2021 Ranger UTV with a sprayer unit for $20,076 which was approved in the 2021 budget. The second is for a second set of bleachers matching the set purchased in 2020 for $10,255.30 to replace the grandstand that was taken down last fall. The bleachers were included in the 2021 capital improvements.

There will be no Ways & Means Committee meeting Monday night due to a lack of agenda items. However, following the main City Council meeting, there will be a closed session to develop or consider offers for parcels 82.00162.02 and 82.00162.09 which total 62.33 acres east of the Nature View Estates on Eickhof Blvd.

Crookston City Council