Crookston City Council Votes To Increase Levy by 7.5%

The Crookston City Council voted at this past Monday’s Ways and Means meeting to set the 2019 preliminary levy at a 7.5 percent increase from 2018. The preliminary levy must be set by local governments by September 30 of each year to provide citizens an opportunity to learn of and comment on proposed tax levels at Truth-in-Taxation meetings, once a preliminary levy is set the levy cannot be raised, but can be lowered by the time it’s finalized at the end of the year. It is estimated that the increase on a $50,000 home would be $3.47; on a $150,000 home the increase would be $10.41, and on a $300,000 home the increase would be $20.82. The city’s truth in taxation hearing date is set for Monday, December 10 at City Hall in the council chambers. The hearing is required by state law to present information and take public input for the city’s budget and levy. Last year in Minnesota the 2018 certified property tax levies for cities total approximately $2.387 billion compared with $2.247 billion in 2017, a 6.2% increase statewide.