The Crookston City Council will meet Monday, March 22 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The consent agenda will include approving the March 8 meeting minutes, approving bills and disbursements totaling $262,178.11, and extending the local emergency due to COVID-19.

The Council will discuss and take action on the MnDOT Corridor Study for Highway 2 in the downtown area. An ordinance will be introduced authorizing electronic participation in City Council meetings and establishing procedures for electronic participation. There is a resolution amending the City Administrator’s spending authority to allow for all purchases in the approved annual budget if the funds haven’t been disbursed for that budget item.

A summary of the closed City Council meeting from March 8 will also be included, along with a conclusion report that states no further action was or will be undertaken by the City of Crookston regarding the possible purchase of two parcels east of Nature View Estates from Bob Herkenhoff.

There are two resolutions recommended by the Planning Commission, the reconveyance of two tax-forfeited parcels along South Main Street to the State of Minnesota, and the cash farm lease for 90 acres of the Colborn Property with BTB Farms Joint Venture for three seasons. The final item on the agenda is a resolution to transfer $17,572.44 from the sale of 10 acres to the Ag Innovation Campus to the Crookston Housing and Economic Development Authority.

The Ways & Means Committee will meet immediately following the City Council meeting. The committee will receive an update on live streaming in the Council Chambers from City of Crookston IT Director Chad Palm. The committee will also review the Crookston Sports Center land layout with Rich Clauson, city engineer from Widseth.

Crookston City Council