Crookston H.S. Homecoming Court Announced

The Crookston High School will be celebrating Homecoming next week and they announced the homecoming court at school on Wednesday. 

The 2018 Crookston High School homecoming queen candidates are Hannah Emanuel, Elise Erdman, Hailey Spivey, Thea Oman, Gina Visness.
The 2018 Crookston High School homecoming king candidates are Nick Garmen, Johnny Abeld, Eric Delorme, Jake Anderson, Brock Heppner.
Coronation will be held on Tuesday and the dance will be Friday, October 12 from 9 to Midnight at the Crookston High School.
KROX will have more on all the homecoming week festivities on Monday, which will be PJ day for the students and staff.