Crookston High School will be implementing a new eligibility rule for Activities/Athletic competitions for the 2021-2022 school year. Crookston High School Activities Director Greg Garmen and the administration will be printing off grade reports once a week on Monday mornings this year, and students must be passing their classes to stay eligible.  This will replace the old policy of checking grades at mid-term and end of the quarter. Teachers will have until Sunday night to update the weekly grade reports for the previous week. 

KROX asked about the Post Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) students after the question was posed on Facebook.  Crookston High School Principal Nicki Martinez said they haven’t through that far ahead.  For now they won’t be checking PSEO students weekly because they have a new counselor at the high school and she will have to communicate with the professors to stay up to date on those grades.  

Crookston High School Principal Nicki Martinez explained the rule more. “It is an activity rule rather than an athletic rule,” said Martinez. “So, an activity like Knowledge Bowl would fall into this rule. Band is a class itself, so if the student is failing band, it may affect another activity, but not the class itself. Anything that is a class obviously doesn’t apply to this rule. Still, any sanctioned activity by Crookston High School that a student participates in would be eligible for this new rule.”

The requirements for the students who are participating in activities this year are simple. You must be passing all your classes every week to be eligible to perform in the upcoming week. If the student is ineligible, they will have that week to get their grades back up. If the student can get their grade back up by the next weekly grade report, they will once again be eligible to compete in their activity.

Martinez explained why the new system is being implemented. “This may help students who get too far behind and can’t catch up,” said Martinez. “If we waited four weeks, for instance, they may be 15 assignments behind instead of maybe two or three. By checking every week, this is going to help us get the student caught up quicker, and because of this, the hope is that they will miss a shorter amount of time in competition.”

The first weekly grade report will be done on Monday, September 20. If a student isn’t passing starting on that day, Activities Director Greg Garmen will inform them and their coaches. The student will not participate from Monday at 8:00 AM to Sunday night. Participation in competitions will resume if the student is passing on the next Monday when the next weekly grade report is done.