Crookston High School Principal Nicki Martinez has released an October newsletter for Crookston High School students and parents. Below is the full newsletter communication for this month.


Nice job Pirates!

The Crookston High School Pirates celebrated Homecoming at the end of September. Our athletic teams did very well representing our schools as did our royalty. We had great participation in our dress up days and attendance at the dance was incredible.

eRace the Stigma

Community members from Alluma, UMC, Polk County Health, Polk County Human Services, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and the Hope Coalition have formed a partnership with CHS to support the students and staff in healing through an organized walk to take place on Saturday, October 9th. Everyone is welcome!
Big picture

COVID reminders

We have entered “Level 3” in regard to COVID mitigation. At the high school level this means we are enforcing three feet of social distancing. Teachers are doing their best to accommodate the cushioning of this virus. In addition, we’ve rescheduled some lunches and are seating four to a table. Masks are still optional at the high school, but when someone is eating or drinking, masks aren’t worn; therefore, we are adding space between students with four at a table instead of the usual 6-8. CHS is not requiring face masks at this time; however, if the numbers in Polk County dictate mask requirement, we will have no choice. Please remember to social distance, wash your hands, and get vaccinated as the best ways to be a part of the greater good. Let’s stop this pandemic!When a student has been a close contact of a positive case, the school is notifying parents and the student is quarantined. Students who are positive and are close contacts of a positive case need to stay home until the contagious period ends. We send a letter via email and USPS identifying the dates of quarantining for each case. Students will distance learn via Zoom and Google Classroom during a school sanctioned quarantine.

If you see our school nurse, Stacy Grunewald, please thank her for all the hours she is putting in to keep our students safe. Remember safety, social distancing, and sanitizing during a pandemic will help everyone stay healthy.

Alternative Learning Program

Crookston High School has a program to help students with credit recovery or alternative education needs. We are revamping this program to better fit the needs of our students and to be up to speed with technology. Those who are familiar with this program have already seen the changes as they work toward securing their high school diploma. If you have questions, please contact Ms. Martinez, school principal.

Tik Tok Challenges

By now you’ve probably heard of the Tik Tok Challenges making rounds in our schools. According to other social media posts, we can expect new Challenges each month. This month suggests students post a video of slapping a staff member — some sites say a staff member’s backside. We will prosecute for such conduct. Please discuss vandalism and disrespectful acts with your kids.My Challenge to students is to start posting positive behaviors like thanking a staff member, taking a picture with their favorite teacher, helping another student, etc. Encourage our students to make our school and society a place of positivity and Pirate Pride!