The Crookston High School held its 13th Annual Triple-A Senior Recognition Night on Monday, April 26 to honor its senior Student-Athletes in Academics, Arts, and Athletics. The banquet was sponsored by the Crookston Pirate Fine Arts Boosters, Crookston Kiwanis, Crookston Noon Day Lions, and the Crookston Rotary Clubs.
Academic Awards:
Dr. Russel O. and Inez Sather Scholarship: Zach Brown, Andrew MacGregor, Jacob Miller
Donnie Lauf Memorial Scholarship: Jasmine Haglund
Crookston Area Chamber of Commerce: Amber Cymbaluk
Larsen Achievement Award: Not presented at the banquet this year
CHS Scholarship: Lucas Winger
Franz Memorial Award: Danielle Haake
Academic Achievement (Summa Cum Laude, Trophies): Gavin Anderson, Emma Borowicz, Emily Funk, Danielle Haake, Karsten Isaacson, Joslynn Leach, Gabriel Montieth, Victoria Proulx, Sophia Rezac, Easton Tangquist, Ella Weber, Anna Wiersma
Arts, including Music Awards:
Music Department Senior Awards:
T.W. Thorson Memorial Award: Linnea French, Ella Weber
John P. Sousa Awards: Emma Boll
Mari Hussey Award: Emily Funk
Ronald Carey Award: Victoria Proulx
Merle Miller String Scholarship: Sophia Rezac
Outstanding Thespian Award: Victoria Proulx
Most Dedicated Thespian Award: Sophia Rezac
Music Above and Beyond Awards: Emma Boll, Linnea French, Emily Funk, Karsten Isaacson, Andrew MacGregor, Gabriel Montieth, Victoria Proulx, Sophia Rezac, Ella Weber, Anke Wiersma
Ramona Unke Scholarship: Sophia Rezac
Honors & Awards
Noon Day Lions/Brock Olson Award: Gabriel Montieth, Easton Tangquist
Noon Day Lions and CHS LEO Club MaryAnn Odland Community Service Award – Emily Funk, Sophia Rezac
Meredith Reynolds Memorial Scholarship: Anke Wiersma
Bremer Community Service Award: Victoria Proulx, Ella Weber
Crookston Rotary Club Community Service Scholarship in honor of Allen Pederson – Emma Boll
Senior Honor Awards: Victoria Proulx, Gabriel Montieth
American Legion Citizenship Award: Emma Borowicz, Karsten Isaacson
Crookston American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship: Sophia Rezac
Walt Keller Memorial Scholarship: MacKenze Epema, Sophia Rezac
CHS Citizenship Award: Emily Funk, Gabriel Montieth
Cheryl Steinbrink Healthcare Scholarship: Emma Borowicz
Tracy Lynn Altringer Scholarship: Victoria Proulx
Bob and Ella Q. Strand Scholarship: Anke Wiersma
June Shaver Healthcare Scholarship: Emma Borowicz, MacKenze Epema, Emily Funk, Victoria Proulx, Easton Tangquist, Catherine Tiedemann, Cameron Weiland.