Earlier today MnDOT released a Highway 2 Crookston Corridor Study update. It highlights what has happened so far, what’s next, and how to get involved. All the information can be found below – 


November 2021 Update

D2 – Hwy 2 Crookston: Corridor Study

Now’s your chance to help shape a future vision for the downtown corridor in Crookston. MnDOT has partnered with the City of Crookston in designing a future project to improve safety for motorists and pedestrians, manage access, improve freight movement, and enhance vitality along the downtown corridor that aligns with the City’s development goals.

What’s happened so far?

Along with a local funding partnership provided by MnDOT, the City hired SRF Consulting Group to conduct engineering analysis and develop possible improvement alternatives. The City kicked off the corridor study with an open house on Nov. 15 at City Hall. Study partners shared a brief presentation and offered display boards containing background information on the corridor, the upcoming schedule, and information on how to stay informed and involved with the study.


What’s next?

The study is expected to last until next summer in which the Crookston City Council will provide a recommendation to MnDOT on their future vision for the corridor. Over the next few months a Community Review Panel made up of local community leaders, stakeholder representatives and engineering staff will conduct a deep dive into the existing conditions. After that they will begin to develop potential alternatives and then evaluate them based on feasibility, fundability and how well they achieve the visionary goals.


You can help by sharing your experiences and insights along the downtown corridor. You can learn more about the study, process, and provide your feedback on the study website at


Get involved

Online Survey

The easiest way to let your voice be heard. Share your insights with this online survey.



Drop a pin on this interactive Wikimap to share input about a specific location(s).

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Community Review Panel

In order to work more closely with the community; local leaders, residents and business owners will work directly with study staff throughout the process. This partnership allows for a direct connection to the community through a transparent and collaborative process. The committee will help to identify the current issues and create a local vision for the corridor. These neighborhood leaders will help ensure that community values are represented in the development and evaluation of project alternatives, while fostering conversations within the community.

The Community Review Panel’s analysis will help to inform the City Council as they make their decisions. You can learn more about the panel on the project website.

Overall schedule

  • Sept: Corridor study begins
  • Nov: Open House public meeting
  • Nov/Dec: Gather public input
  • December: First Community Review Panel meeting
  • Jan-June: Community Review Panel work sessions, alternative development and evaluation
  • Apr-May: Open House public meeting and public survey
  • July: City Council preferred alternative recommendation

Background info

Improve Safety

  • 12% of trips along the corridor are freight-related
  • In the last 10 years, there have been 139 crashes, including 9 involving a person walking or bicycling
  • The crash frequency at 70% of the intersections exceeds the statewide average. The crash frequency along Main Street and Broadway is 5 times greater than the statewide average.
  • Existing traffic volumes are currently only at about 33% of the corridor capacity
  • The downtown Crookston bypass route is underutilized by freight traffic
  • Daily occupancy of on-street parking spaces on Highway 2 peaks at 40%
  • There are accessibility concerns with existing sidewalks in the study area

More Information

For more detailed information visit the study website.


Amy Finch

City Administrator (Crookston)



Molly Stewart

SRF Project Manager



Matt Upgren

MnDOT Project Manager



TJ Melcher

MnDOT Public Engagement
