Crookston School District Superintendent Dave Kuehn has written a letter to all Crookston School District Parents, Guardians, and Students to remind them about the upcoming Back to School Night and other things leading up to the new School Year. His letter can be seen below-

Greetings to our Crookston School District Parents, Guardians, and Students,

I would like to take the opportunity to welcome everyone back to another school year with the Crookston Public School District. We hope everyone is having a relaxing summer break and are recharged and ready for another successful start to a new school year. As we get ready to embark on another school year during a most challenging time in this country, it is also an appropriate time to reflect and be thankful. As the superintendent, I am thankful each and every day for our outstanding, dedicated staff and our awesome, energetic students that I will have the privilege to work with and serve.

The Crookston School District strongly acknowledges that students learn better in person, especially if the learning environment is safe, welcoming, and engaging. Based on current health conditions within our school and community, we are committed to our In-Person Learning Model as we start our new school year!!

Via a collaborative effort, our staff continues their commitment to preparing students to be successful in their academic work and to be productive, positive contributors to society. This collaborative approach focuses on a commitment to strengthening the educational opportunities and experiences that we offer all of our students at the Crookston School District. We continue to improve our work on the curriculum front by developing and implementing high-quality instructional practices and learning activities that engage students in expanding their knowledge and experiences so that they can be successful in their learning and successful in life.

The beginning of the school year often brings many emotions, and this year is no different. As we prepare to welcome students into our schools for the 2022–23 school year, I realize that the question of school safety is at the top of many of your minds. The top priority of our school district is the safety and well-being of our students and staff. While we cannot share all the ways we work to protect students and staff, we employ the best school safety practices and work very closely with local law enforcement to seek every opportunity to ensure our students and staff are safe.

The school year will officially start on Tuesday, September 6, with around 1190+ students coming through our doors for their first day of school. Schools are a critical component of communities and have a tremendous impact on the health, well-being, growth, and development of students and families. We believe our district families value and embrace the educational experience their children receive. We also recognize and genuinely appreciate that parents are essential partners in their child’s success in school — we value and encourage your involvement. Our school district is truly thankful for the continued support from our district families and would like to extend our sincerest appreciation for choosing the Crookston School District as your choice of school for your children.

We thank you for your continued partnership, flexibility, support, and trust as we prepare for the 2022-23 school year.

A “Friendly Reminder”: Our District “Welcome Back to School Day” will be held on Thursday, August 18, at the Crookston High School Commons from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


Dave Kuehn, Superintendent

Selected Superintendent Dave Kuehn
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