Members of the Crookston Lions Club, along with friends and family of Lion Norm Arneson gathered at the Highland Park Complex Monday evening celebrate the dedication of a new water fountain, aptly in the shape of a lion, adjacent to the Splash Park and Lion’s picnic shelter.

Crookston Lion’s Club President, Angel Weasner remarked, “Norm Arneson was a huge part of our Crookston Lions Club. 63 years ago he had become a member, and we wanted to make sure we recognized him in the best way possible. Because he was a Washington School Principal for many years and influenced so many young children, we thought this Lion’s Fountain was the perfect way to memorialize him.”
Lion’s Club Vice President, Steve Krueger, introduced the Arneson family members present and thanked them for their father’s generosity to the Crookston community. “In August of 2016, Norm and Loretta celebrated 65 years of marriage, surrounded by family and friends,” said Krueger. “Their children, Charlotte, Nancy, and Scott, along with their families, are here for this very special occasion. (Clark was unable to be here today.) When Norm and Loretta passed away in 2017, the Arneson family designated that memorials go the Crookston Lions Club, with the hope that they would be used for something lasting. After considering various ideas, the Board agreed that, with the tie-in between Lions and children, the lion drinking fountain would be a great choice to Lion Norm. His daughter Nancy commented, upon hearing the proposal, “Norman would absolutely love this.” And I think Norm would be smiling down on us today at the dedication of this beautiful drinking fountain.”
Mayor Wayne Melbye was also on hand to celebrate the occasion, saying, “It was wonderful to have the Arneson family here representing, and the Lions Club, who made the donation in Norm Arneson’s name. This water fountain is quite a piece of art for the kids, and for the big kids, too. It’s a great location for it; I hadn’t been up here to the park for a little while, but things are looking great.”
Norm Arneson was a long-time principal at Washington Elementary School and a 63-year member of the Crookston Lions Club. He passed away on May 16, 2017, and his wife Loretta 3 days later. The Arneson family’s memorials, combined with Crookston Lions fundraising and a Crookston Park & Rec grant, made the purchase of the Lion Fountain possible.

Members of the Norm & Loretta Arneson family were on hand to assist in the unveiling, dedication and inaugural first drink from the Lion’s Fountain at Highland Park