The Crookston Planning Commission met on Tuesday night in the City Hall Council Chambers. After the Call to Order, it began by approving the minutes from their last meeting on September 20, which they approved unanimously.

Election of Officers

The commission opened the meeting by holding the election for the commission’s Chairperson, Vice Chair, and Secretary. The commission voted to keep their positions the same as last year, which had Bryan Schipper as the commission’s Chair, Barry Bingham as the Vice Chair, and Jennifer Tate as the commission’s Secretary. The commission approved the election unanimously.

Coffee Kiosk Conditional Use

The only item on the commission’s agenda was for a Conditional Use Permit for a Coffee Kiosk on 509 Main Street North. Building Inspector Greg Hefta reported that John Robertson, the owner of the East Grand Forks branch of Scooter’s Coffee, requested a Conditional Use Permit for a coffee kiosk to be built on the northern portion of the parking lot of the old Arby’s building at 509 Main Street. Planning and Zoning Commissioner Greg Hefta reported that the parking lot is currently in the process of being surveyed, subdivided, and purchased for a drive-through lane and kiosk building to be constructed. He reported that John and other parcel owners had signed a legal Letter of Intent for the purchase, and the land would be within the C-1 Central Business District Zoning. City Administrator Charles “Corky” Reynolds reported they were waiting to get a specific parcel they could put it with to bring it forward to the Crookston City Council. “The first step we have to do is to get the Purchase Agreement ironed out with them, we have the Letter of Intent already signed, so we’re in agreement with what that will look like. We just need to move forward with that formal Purchase Agreement and get the land parceled out,” Owner John Robertson explained. “There are a few other small things we have to do too, but we’re really excited to get going, and we’re hoping this spring we can break ground and get moving on it as quickly as possible.”
Scooter’s Coffee Owner John Robertson approached the commission to give a general layout of the kiosk, explaining it was about 700 square feet in total, which would take about half of the parking lot space. He explained they would also split the costs with Opticare on maintaining the parking lot entryway. “It’s a great location, and we started talking to Opticare at first about using the drive-thru that’s already in the building, and we brought that option back to Scooter’s Coffee, but they prefer to move forward with their kiosk model,” John Robertson explained. “The kiosk model has proven to be really successful in other small towns as well, so we’re sure it will do so here as well.”
Commission member Wayne Melbye asked if they would have any indoor seating or bathrooms, but Robertson reported the bathroom would only be for the indoor staff. Robertson’s business partner Keith Homstad said they were hoping to break ground by late May when the ground defrosted. However, they were hoping to complete it with a modular design to have it built during the winter, then brought onsite in the spring. Robertson reported they would also use the same signage posts as Opticare. After more discussions, the commission motioned to encourage further development of the kiosk and that the council was favorably disposed to the action. “We want to pursue this and get it in front of the Planning Commission as soon as possible to make sure the conditions are known, what problems can be foreseen, or cut off at the pass to help the owner’s along and get the business up and running as soon as we can,” said Building Inspector Greg Hefta.

The next Planning Commission meeting will occur in February unless there aren’t enough agenda items. Pictures of the plans that were presented at the meeting can be seen below-

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