Crookston Police Department puts SRO on leave during investigation

The Crookston Police Department has put Crookston Police Officer Don Rasicot on leave while the city of Crookston investigates a complaint. The Crookston School Board has a special closed personnel meeting scheduled for Wednesday. Crookston Police Chief Darin Selzler released the following press release.

This statement relates to inquiries the City of Crookston has received related to one its employees – Donald Rasicot – and arises from and relates solely to the city’s capacity as his employer.

Donald Rasicot is a Police Officer for the city assigned as School Resource Officer.

There was a complaint against Officer Rasicot as an employee of the city. The city is investigating the complaint.

Officer Rasicot is currently on leave from employment with the city.

Officer Rasicot has been employed by the city since 2004. As School Resource Officer, Rasicot was responsible for providing law enforcement services and related educational services within and around all schools, buses and properties under the administration of the Crookston School District and within the jurisdiction of the Crookston Police Department.

The city is confident that its police department will continue to serve the community safely, effectively, and efficiently.

The city has no further comments about this matter due, primarily, to Minnesota’s government data privacy laws.

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