Crookston Public Schools Superintendent Jeremy Olson released an August Communication in which he highlights safety procedures for the upcoming school year. Below is the communication sent out.


Safety Plan 

Crookston Public Schools is releasing a safety plan for the 2021-2022 School Year (attached). This plan contains 4 mitigation strategies that can be implemented based on the transmission trends in our community and schools. Level 1 has the fewest mitigation strategies, and level 4 has the highest mitigation strategies in place. The School Board has voted to start the school year at level 2 of this plan. 

What does level 2 mean for my kids?

At the elementary level, students will be socially distanced with a minimum of 3 feet. Wearing a mask is not required. However, it is recommended while indoors in all of Crookston Public Schools’ buildings. We are recommending wearing a mask because it has been found to prevent the spread of COVID 19. We also ask all parents to screen their students as they leave in the morning to ensure that students are not experiencing any symptoms. We will continue to provide breaks for handwashing and promoting frequent handwashing throughout the day. In accordance with federal rules, masks on a school bus are mandatory. Please review the attached plan for information on other levels. We look forward to a safe and enjoyable school year!

If you have any questions or concerns about this plan, please contact me at 218-770-8717 or email me at


Safety Plan for 2021-2022 School Year.pdf