Crookston Rotary Club recognized Hunter Nicholas and Shayla Azure as Students of the Month

Now that school is back in session, the Crookston Rotary Club today recognized two Crookston High School Students, Hunter Nicholas and Shayla Azure, as the September and October Students of the Month, respectively.

September Student of the Month – Hunter Nicholas is involved in Leo Club, Basketball, and Trinity Lutheran Church.  In attendance today were his mother, Jami, his father, Travis, his sister, Halle, and grandparents, Nick and Denise Nicholas and Dwain Dillabough.  In his free time, Hunter loves to fish and play disc golf.  Future plans are undecided at this time.

October Student of the Month – Shayla Azure is active in Leo Club, is a Supervisor at Taco John’s, and attended RYLA this past summer.  In attendance today were her mother, Renee, and sister Haley.  Shayla also has two brothers.  At the high school, she plays softball, basketball, One Act, Three Act/Musical, Speech Captain, and Knowledge Bowl.  In her free time, she likes running, hanging out with her family and friends, and reading.  Her plans are to attend college, possibly out of state.


Rotarian Blake Carlson, Shayla Azure, Hunter Nicholas, and Rotarian Margee Keller

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