The Crookston School Board met Monday evening in the Crookston High School choir/orchestra room.  There was a wide variety of topics discussed.  

The board approved the preliminary property tax levy at a 3.5% increase.  They can lower the levy, but cannot raise the levy higher than the 3.5 percent they will send to the county.  “This includes our new bus garage and also the absence of the pool, which is now under the city’s ownership which we are very happy to agree with,” said Crookston School District Finance Director Laura Lyczewski. “Other than that everything else is pretty normal. The board can take another look at everything in December when they finalize it.”
The board set the Truth in Taxation hearing for December 14 at 6:00 p.m.

The school board reluctantly approved a COVID payment to the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL).  The MSHSL has sent bills to all the participating school districts asking them to help cover a five-million-dollar deficit.  Crookston School District is being asked to send a $3,500 payment by the end of November and another $3,500 payment later in the school year for a total of $7,000.  School board members Frank Fee, Mike Theis, and Dave Davidson said they were against it, but the district had no choice. Superintendent Jeremy Olson said no area superintendents were in favor of the new MSHSL fee, but you have to do what is best for the kids, and participating in activities is good for the kids.  “That’s what it boils down to,” said Superintendent Olson. “As a superintendent, I am not happy with the extra bill, but I am supportive of the high school league.  I am not real excited with how and the lack of communication.  The bottom line is at the end of the day we are going to provide activities for the kids.”
Board Chair Frank Fee made a motion to pay the fee and Adrianne Winger seconded and the board gave unanimous approval.

The board heard of the need for an additional technology position after they lost a part-time technology employee from last year.  The district is dealing with more technology than ever before with distance learning/hybrid learning, white boards, and everything else because of COVID.  “We are trying to supplement our technology with support.  Our second tech person didn’t come back to the district this year,” said Superintendent Olson. “We went from a device on a cart to a 1-to-1 device initiative with a lot of technology use and the teachers are using it more than ever before.”  The technology position would be based out of Highland School and some of the money to fund the position would be from the part-time position that didn’t come back and using CARES Act funding to cover the rest of the $33,000 salary.

The district received good news when the quote for the new bus garage fueling station came back lower than budgeted.  The board approved up to $214,500 for the project, but the bid came back at $189,000.  “After we received the quotes we were happy,” said Superintendent Olson. “Our current tanks need about $10,000 worth of work to give us one or two more years and I didn’t think that would be a good way to go, so it will be nice to have a new station at our bus garage.”

The Crookston School Board, school principals, and Superintendent Olson all praised the work the school district staff and teachers have done so far to make the start of the school year as successful as possible. “Everyone wants the same thing.  They want to provide the very best education for kids,” said Superintendent Olson. “To see the staff has been incredible.  They are incredible with the way they service students, they are caring and compassionate.  They are working their tales off.  The custodians are tired at the end of their shift and we have authorized overtime for them with all the deep cleaning they have to do.  We are fortunate to have great teachers and staff.”

The Crookston School District enrollment is currently 1,116 students compared to 1,140 at this time last year.  The current number of students is 10 less than projected, but more than the school budgeted.

Crookston High School Activities Director Greg Garmen gave a presentation to the board on a new Touch Pro system that was purchased through Crookston Pirate Booster Funds.  The Touch Pro system will be a television monitor in the Crookston High School commons that will have old photos, sports records, old yearbooks dating all the way back to 1907, some old Pepster newspapers, and more.  They are working on loading all the information.

Garmen gave an update on work that has been done since the summer and he thanked the custodial staff for their hard work.  The list of items is below –
– New LED lights in the high school gymnasium.
– Repainted the wood panels on the bleachers in the gymnasium.
– Put up shot clocks in the gym
– Got everything out of the weight room, painted the room, put new flooring in, and have put some equipment in the weight room and are waiting for the rest to arrive.

Fall sports numbers –
Girls tennis – 40
Boys Soccer – 41
Girls Soccer – 27
Swimming – 11

There is a limit of 250 fans allowed at high school football games this fall and Activities Director Greg Garmen gave an update on how they will handle the ticket situation.
He said on Saturday, October 3, they are giving 50 tickets for Roseau fans.  They will give each player and coach two tickets each and whatever is left over will be sold to the public.  When and where you can get the tickets will be available Wednesday morning through KROX.

Highland School Principal Chris Trostad thanked the Brian Christensen family for their work and the use of equipment to clean up the nature center.  He also thanked all the volunteers that helped.  100 loads were brought to the transfer station for disposal.
Trostad also thanked Nate Lubarski for the donation of LED lights.
Washington School Principal Denice Oliver thanked Food Services Director Anna Brekken for getting a free fruit and vegetable grant so they can offer free snacks two times a week at Washington School.  The free snacks will start in early October.
Superintendent Jeremy Olson thanked Polk County Public Health for everything they have done for the district during the pandemic.
Olson also congratulated Crookston School District Orchestra teacher Haley Ellis on getting her Master’s Degree.

Consent agenda items were all approved unanimously
including –  employment of Kylie Brekke as a Paraprofessional at Highland, Brooke Van Overbeke as Instructional Aide at Washington, Stephanie Neisen as Paraprofessional at Highland, Toni Langved-Kelley as Instructional Assistant at Highland, Rochelle Chaput as Instructional Assistant at Highland, Ben Trostad as After School Care Aide at Highland, JoElle Boucher as Instructional Aide at Highland, Heather Visness as Instructional Aide at Crookston High School, Allie Love as Instructional Aide at Crookston High School, and Wyatt Erickson as a part-time custodian at Highland.

The board approved a one-year leave of absence request from Tammy Warcken as an instructional aide at Washington, a resignation letter from Ann Pahlen as a paraprofessional at Highland, a resignation letter from Penny Halstad as a paraprofessional at Highland, a resignation from Don Edlund as Junior High baseball coach, Herlinda Cisneros as an instructional assistant at Washington school, and the approval of the 2020 Football and Volleyball coaching staff.

The next Crookston School Board meeting will be Monday, October 26 at 5:00 p.m.

Greg Garmen shows the board the Moorhead High School Touch Pro site