The Crookston School Board will meet on Monday, July 22 at 5:00 p.m. at the Crookston High School Choir/Orchestra room.

The board will be asked to approve any additions or corrections to the agenda and in the consent agenda, they will have 17 personnel items in the consent agenda. They will be asked to approve the employment of Kayla Snyder as Administrative Assistant, Frank Ybarra as a kitchen helper, Cassandra Torkelson as kitchen helper all at Crookston High School. They will also be asked to approve the hiring of Kathryn Chaput, Trisha Fuller, Alicia Jay, Rebekah Olson, Stephanie Tappe, and Zandrea Tjossem as paraprofessionals. They will also be asked to hire Allison Ozaki as a special education teacher.
The board will be asked to approve an employment agreement with Denice Oliver as part-time principal/Community Education/Continuing education, Ray Lutovsky as a school counselor and Greg Garmen as Activities Director. The board will also be asked to approve a change with Suzie Larson moving from the high school to Washington School and to approve the resignation of Barb Johnson in the food service department at Washington School.
The final two items on the consent agenda are to approve the master agreement with the Crookston Education Association for the next three school years and to approve the fall coaches.

On the main agenda, they will be asked to approve a resolution calling for a special election, to approve the long-term facilities maintenance plan and to approve the student handbooks for Crookston High School, Highland School, and Washington School.

A school board working session will be held immediately following the regular school board meeting in the district office conference room. No action will be taken at this meeting.

The next school board meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 26 at 5:00 p.m. at the Crookston High School choir/orchestra room.