The Crookston School Board will meet on Monday night at 5:00 p.m. inside the Crookston High School Choir/Orchestra room. The meeting is open with public hearings to any visitors that wish to share any concerns with the Board.

The Consent Agenda will include the approval of the meeting minutes of the meeting that took place on March 28 and all of their current bills. It will also include the acceptance of resignation letters from Highland Elementary School Teachers Sarah Lindquist and Kaitlyn Borah. The Board will then approve the applications of High School Ag Instructor Carolyn Pavlish and Administrator Assistants Kayla Snyder and Andrea Weisse. The Board will then accept donations from the Crookston Baseball Association in the amount of $1,500 to pay for the new High School Assistant Baseball Coach and from the United Way of Crookston in the amount of $500 for the implementation of the PATCH program at the High School.

The Main Agenda will include approving the additions of a new Special Education Instructor, Elementary Counselor, and High School Elective Instructor for the 2022-2023 school year. The Main Agenda will also include approving a music trip to Valleyfair on Saturday, May 21.

The Board will then hear Administrative Reports from Washington School Principal Denice Oliver, Highland Elementary Principal Chris Trostad, and Crookston High School Principal Nicki Martinez about events and progress at their respective schools. Crookston Public Schools Superintendent Jeremy Olson will also give a report about actions and plans for the school district.

The next School Board meeting will take place on Monday, May 23, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. at the High School Choir/Orchestra Room.

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