The Crookston School Board will meet Monday, March 25 at 5:00 p.m. in the choir/orchestra room at Crookston High School. The consent agenda includes approving the February 25 minutes, approving current bills in the amount of $118,714.74, accepting grants and donations. 

The following personnel items are also included on the consent agenda: accept retirement letters from Vanessa Crowell, custodian at the high school; from Terry Clauson, paraprofessional at Highland; from Eddie Derosier, paraprofessional at Highland; accept resignation letters from Dan Bratvold, bus driver; and Hunter Kopff, chemistry teacher at the high school; approve employment with Elizabeth Erickson as a long-term substitute at Highland; approve list of spring coaches.

The main agenda includes approving policy revisions as recommended by MSBA to policies 102, 401, 402, 415, 416, 420, 435, 516 and 614 and to forms 413 and 416. Approve the architect for the bus garage.  Approve resolution discontinuing and reducing educational programs and positions.  Approve a resolution relating to the termination and nonrenewal of teaching contract for Wendy Willits, a probationary teacher and approve a resolution proposing to place Matthew J. Curry on unrequested leave of absence.  Approve employment with Amber Sannes, .2 FTE as a gifted and talented instructor.  And approve referendum and timeline. 

The board will also hear administrative reports from Crookston High School Principal Eric Bubna, Highland Elementary Principal Chris Trostad, Washington Elementary Principal Denice Oliver and Superintendent Jeremy Olson.