The Crookston School Board will meet tonight at 5:00 p.m. in the Choir/Orchestra Room at the Crookston High School (CHS).  The consent agenda includes the approval of minutes from the March 25 regular meeting and April 3 special meeting; approval of current bills; acceptance of grants and donations of $1,000 from Brent Reichert to complete the windscreen project at CHS Tennis Courts, $1,000 from the Crookston Baseball Association for softball equipment, accept the minutes from Crookston Education Foundation Meeting on March 7 detailing donation of $12,737.50; and to approve Northwest Service Co-op and PIEP as the health insurance carriers for the district per HITA.

Also on the consent agenda are the following personnel items: accept the retirement letter from Karen Hanson, paraprofessional at CHS; accept retirement letter from Jackie Lindsay, paraprofessional at CHS; accept retirement letter from Donald Cox, boys’ head soccer coach; accept resignation letter from Michelle Hulst, administrative assistant at Highland Elementary School (HES); accept resignation letter from Andrew Biermaier, 4th grade teacher at HES; accept resignation letter from Tori Demarais, assistant girls’ hockey coach; accept resignation letter from Kristen Alston, English teacher at CHS; accept resignation letter from Chelsie Johnson, administrative assistant at CHS; approve employment with James Bregier, as custodian at CHS; approve employment with Dixie Sele, as 6th grade teacher at HES.

The main agenda includes a resolution relating to the termination and nonrenewal of the teaching contract of Kayla Smith, a probationary teacher; approve the addition of .67 Dean of Students position at CHS for the 2019-2020 school year; approve the change of assignment for instructor Matthew Torgerson from 1.0 FTE Band Instructor to .67 FTE Dean of Students at CHS and .33 FTE Band Instructor, effective School Year 2019-2020.

The following reports will also be made by the following individuals to the school board: Eric Bubna, principal at CHS; Chris Trostad, principal at HES; Denice Oliver, principal at Washington Elementary School; and Jeremy Olson, superintendent.