The video includes the watermelon eating contest, the bikes that were given away, the dunk tank and the Blues Brothers chase.

The 14th Annual Night 2 Unite, held last night in Central Park, was a huge success, according to both attendees and event coordinator, Crookston Police Officer Don Rasicot. “This year’ event was the best we have ever had, and that’s in terms of turnout (and I’m sure we exceeded 2,000 people.) We gauge it by photos, and Rand Hughes just did a phenomenal job, and for example, by the dunk tank. I think the best we have ever done with our dunk tank is $290.00. Linda Morgan still has to get the final count, but we well exceeded $300.00 with our dunk tank this year. And it’s funny that you can say, ‘how can you gauge that?’ but it’s always commensurate with our numbers, and when we have a low turnout, we have low dunk tank numbers,” said Rasicot. “Another way to measure is by the vendors; almost all of the food vendors last night sold out. Knights of Columbus had to close early, because they sold out all their food. I spoke with our two barbecue places, the Smokehouse and Loren, and they were very, very happy. They didn’t sell out, but they certainly made enough to make it well worth their time, and they want to come back next year. Triple C Concessions was extremely happy with what she had — all the food vendors were very happy.”

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement in the park, with all of the activities going on like clockwork, and the numerous informational booths drawing you in.  “We couldn’t have asked for a better crowd. We just had such a happy crowd – and that’s another gauge. Usually, by the end of the night, people start to get a little ornery, because they’ve been down there in the sun, but the excitement this year just seemed to go right up until the last prize was given away after the golf ball drop. That is such a pleasure for us. It was such a neat experience for us. There’s two factors that make this bigger and better every year,” said Rasicot. “The first factor is my committee: they take on so much, and do so much work behind the scenes that people don’t see. The night of the event, you can see how hard they work, but I’m telling you they work very hard behind the scenes. The second factor is our generous community; unbelievable. We have 37 brand new bicycle helmet and lock packages to give away, hundreds of other significant donated prizes to give away, including four grand prizes of two laptops and two family packs at the Mall of America. Each of those family packs were worth over $330.00. The donations just poured in this year, and you don’t have to twist anybody’s arm to donate. The generosity just touches me so deeply – I just get excited talking about it. I’ll just walk into a business and say, ‘well, it’s that time of the year,’ and they’ll just say, ‘put me down, Don. Put me down for a bike, or put me down for this or that.’ It’s just unbelievable.”

Crookston Police Chief Paul Biermaier announced the 7 individuals (Lisa Loegering, Kathy Kelly, Loren Johnson, Sharon Lanctot, Tim Denny, Margee Keller and Sarah Reese) and 4 businesses (The Crookston Times, KROX Radio, Andy Oman’s State Farm Insurance, and Walmart) who were named, “Night 2 Unite Champions of Our Community” for their volunteerism, contributions, and passion for the betterment of Crookston. Biermaier surprised Rasicot by also awarding him a plaque honoring him for his Night 2 Unite leadership and his work in the community. “Oh, that touched my heart – I didn’t know what to say. I mean, can you imagine me being speechless? said Rasicot. “I had no idea that was coming, but it was very nice and generous, but it would never have happened without my committee. It’s the City of Crookston and Chief Biermaier that give me all the resources and all the time I need to get this done every year. The City just backs us up 100% on this, so we have such a smooth working machine that it makes this a pleasure to be a part of.”

The Night 2 Unite committee members include Marley Melbye, Connie Wilkins, Kari Brault, Linda Morgan, Mark Ecklund, Brenna Miller, Janessa Quanrud, Megan Parenteau, Monica Parenteau, Matthew Loeslie, Gina Turner, Scott Riopelle, Stacy Olson, Tara Miller and Dan Morgan.

Chief Paul Biermaier honors Officer Don Rasicot

Night 2 Unite Champions of Our Community

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