Drafts Sports Bar and Grill is updating its outdoor patio setup with a new roof and wind protection, said owner Brent Melsa. “We are enhancing our outdoor seating. We are putting a roof over the west side closest to the arena. We are enclosing the roof and then putting windscreens up with some fencing toward the back to block the wind and get out of the sun in the summertime. We did qualify for the restaurant revitalization fund, so we’re using some of that money to upgrade our outdoor seating. So, people that are still a little leery about coming inside and easting, we’ll have some nice outdoor seating for people that would rather sit outside and eat.”

The enhanced seating results from both the success of last year’s outdoor seating and remaining COVID-19 concerns. “We had a decent area outside last summer that was utilized quite a bit,” said Melsa. “After talking with a lot of people, some of them still feel a little uncomfortable coming inside. We decided since that was one thing we could use those funds for, it would be nice to have a nice outdoor seating environment for people to enjoy the weather and stay outside to eat and drink. And not have to worry so much about COVID and being indoors.”

Melsa said the new outdoor patio should be ready for guests in a couple of weeks.