Crookston High School held the 2020 homecoming coronation on Sunday, October 18, and Easton Tangquist was crowned king and Emily Funk was crowned queen.
The homecoming court includes Danielle Haake, Joslynn Leach, Kenze Epema, Catherine Tiedeman, Noah Dragseth, Gabe Montieth, Easton Tangquist, Lucas Winger, and Gavin Anderson.

The coronation ceremony video and information on homecoming week activities are below.

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The week will have several themed days made a little more difficult by the hybrid schedule said advisor Linda Morgan. “On Monday, our day will be spots vs. stripes,” said Morgan. “And it’s kind of hard when you have the blue and gold days, so we try to make it fair for the days here. Tuesday is the elementary day, like dress up how you did in elementary with pigtails or something like that, just a little different.”

Because of the hybrid schedule, there will be two Color Wars days. “The kids really like Color Wars days, so we’re going to do that,” said Morgan.  Color Wars will be held Wednesday and Thursday. The 7th-graders will be green, 8th-graders are yellow, 9th-grade will be red, 10th-graders are blue, 11th-graders are white, 12th-graders will be black, and the staff will be orange.
Friday is Pirate Pride day – wear blue and gold to show your Pirate Pride.

The football game is Friday night at 6 p.m. vs. Ottertail Central but Morgan said there won’t be some of the normal activities like a volleyball, powderpuff football, and typical game night events like the dance. “We won’t really have a halftime show,” said Morgan. “I think we’re going to have the trumpets play from the band. I believe they’ll be doing the Star-Spangled Banner. We’ll also have the father’s escort the queen candidates out during halftime so that they’re introduced there. Unfortunately, we can’t do more but, of course, we can’t do a dance or anything like that. But the kids are happy we’re doing something for homecoming, so that’s nice to see.”

Plans are still in the works for a virtual pep rally said, Morgan. “I’m trying to put together a virtual pep rally,” said Morgan. “I have a couple of people working on that for me. We’ll show that and we’re trying to put that together. I don’t know exactly when we’ll be showing that but it’s in the process of being worked on.”

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