Five Are Running For City Council At-Large Opening

The candidates running for Crookston City Council At-Large are Dylane Klatt, Joe Kresl, Kelly Shea, Tom Vedbraaten and Trent Brekken.  We asked each candidate to introduce themselves and why they are running. 

Q: Would you please tell us about yourself?

Dylane: My name is Dylane Klatt.  I’m running for Crookston City Council At-Large.  I want to try to do a better job for Crookston.  I think the City of Crookston people deserve that. I’ve been in business for over 25 years [as] a manager for different departments. I think I’ve done a pretty good job over the course of my career and I think I could bring some of that experience to the City of Crookston.

Tom: What I do right now, I’m a retired mailman, letter carrier and right now I do security and parking enforcement for UMC. And I’m a current city councilman for Ward 6.  My wife and I we live here in Crookston, up on Alexander St. We’ve been here since 1983, so we’ve been [here] a long time.

Trent: I’ve lived in Crookston pretty much my whole life, graduated from CHS.  I farm with my dad on the family operation. I’ve been farming on my own since ‘92.  My wife Brenda works at BSU.  We live here in town.  I know there have been some questions that we had our house up for sale and people have thought that we’re moving out of town.  We’re actually just downsizing because all the kids are pretty much gone now. We’re getting a little older, just time to get a smaller place.

Q: Why are you running?

Dylane: I look at some of the dysfunction on the council and I think I can probably bring a fresh face and some new ideas to the council. Hopefully [I’ll] represent the City of Crookston in a better manner.

Tom: I’ve been a councilman for Ward 6 for 16 years. This year I wasn’t going to do this, but the more phone calls I got I decided to put my name in and see how it goes.

Trent: Lately the City Council hasn’t been functionally well, I don’t feel.  I think there are some issues there and it’s time for some change. Everybody that’s running has great ideas and just wants to see Crookston do well, grow, be better.  That’s sort of the reason I’m running because I’d like to see the town grow.  It’s a great place to live and just see what we can do.

Q: Anything you would like to add?

Dylane: Not at this time.

Tom: I hope if you think I’ve done a good job, I’d like your vote November 6.

Trent: No.

            Dylane Klatt                        Tom Vedbraaten                   Trent Brekken

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