Five People Are Running For Crookston Mayor

The candidates running for Crookston Mayor are Dean Adams, Dana Johnson, Guy Martin and current Crookston City Council members Clayton Briggs and Dale Stainbrook.  KROX talked with all five of them and you can find out more about them below.

Q: Would you please tell us about yourself?

Clayton: I’m a retired police officer from Crookston. Currently on the City Council [for] Ward 3. I am married for 44 years. My wife and I have two children and four grandchildren. I’m a lifelong resident of Crookston.

Dale: I’ve pretty much lived here my whole life.  Married a Crookston native, my wife Pam.  We’ve been married 23 years, call Crookston home and have two adult children and two grandchildren.

Dana: My name is Dana Johnson. I am a resident of Crookston for a little over 25 years.  I’m married to Chad and we have three boys.  I currently am working at the Polk County Attorney’s Office as a victim assistance specialist. I’ve done that for a little over 16 years and thoroughly enjoy working with people and the community.

Dean: Dean Adams, I’m 50 years old. I’ve been living in [the] Crookston area for the past 30-some years.  Been married to my wife Cheryl for 22 years.  We have four wonderful kids and three of them actually make there home in Crookston. One of them has actually joined me in my business Adams Heating and Cooling.  And all of the kids actually own rental homes together too, so they all have a vested interest in the community.

Guy: My name is Guy Martin. I’m married to Sylvia, who is employed at RiverView Health.  We have three daughters. Our older lives in Wayzata, she is a dentist in the Twin Cities.  Our middle daughter Bergetta lives in the Climax area and works in forensic science through UND.  And our youngest daughter Haley lives in the Twin Cities and she in the second year of law school at St. Thomas.

Q: Why are you running?

Clayton: I just feel like it’s a good time to do it with the opportunity and having been on four years.  I feel like I can be a people’s mayor so that’s why I went for the position.  

Dale: I think experience somewhat counts.  I’ve been on council for a while and as council we still have some great ideas out there that I don’t think we’ve pushed through yet.  We need to get back and work on them and see if we can make them push through like daycare, workforce housing, affordable housings, workforce training, the list goes on.

Dana: I was on the City Council for about six years prior from about 2008-2014.  I really just like the opportunity to serve and give back to the community. And I think we need a good strong leadership in Crookston that really is going to push towards teamwork and accountability and the integrity, respect, and honesty of everyone on the council.

Dean: I feel like I could bring some accountability and leadership to the city that we’re desperately lacking in.  I would like the opportunity to unite the council, so we can move the city forward.

Guy: I have three terms on the council under my belt.  It’s been about six or eight years since I’ve been on the council.  But in those six or eight years our kids have grown, I think I have some time to get back.  The same thing that I say every time I run for something, I’ve benefitted so much from Crookston I want to be able to give back a little bit what I can.

Q: Anything you would like to add?

Clayton: Just make sure everybody gets out to vote.  Whether it’s me or whoever, you’ve got to get out to vote.

Dale: Appreciate all the candidates that are running.  I know it takes time to put your name out there and can be embarrassing at times. But I’d appreciate everybody’s vote on November 6.

Dana: I would just love the opportunity to be able to serve Crookston.  I’m not here running for a position, I’m here running for you as a community of individuals.

Dean: I would sure appreciate your vote on November 5. I would work very hard to unite the council and grow Crookston if elected. Thank you.

Guy: I think Crookston is a great place to live, a great place to raise a family.  I’d recommend it to anybody.