Crookston High School Art Teacher Gary Stegman has been teaching in the School District for 30 years. He is now part-time but still loves helping students grow and become more interested in their craft. He is a cancer survivor from a few years back, and his doctors wanted him to start slowing down.

Rather than retiring after the COVID-19 pandemic began, he decided to work part-time as he didn’t want Covid to be what stopped him from doing what he loved. “I didn’t want Covid to be the reason I left teaching; I could never do that,” said Stegman. “I love teaching, I love being with the kids, and we were able to make a part-time job work, and I now teach through periods 1-4.”

Stegman used to teach multiple sections but now teaches one large section featuring drawing, painting, and ceramics. Stegman said he got into teaching through the back door and never intended on becoming a teacher. One thing he did know, however, is that he loved people. “One thing I always knew even growing up was that I was an extrovert, loved people, and loved helping people grow in a multitude of different directions. I always got a kick out of that,” said Stegman. “So, I teach art, coach football, and do a variety of different things, and seeing people get better at whatever it is their doing brings joy to me, and it brings a lot of joy to that person themselves as well.”

One of the main goals for the Crookston School District coming into this year was focusing on literacy, and Stegman says he has been able to incorporate more literacy into his classes this year. “We have a new focus on literacy as a school this year. This sounds negative, and I don’t want it to sound negative, but during Covid, we did not do a lot of reading and writing, and it has shown a little bit,” said Stegman. “So, this year in my classes, we’ve added a writing component, and the kids are continuing to get better and plan more. That’s the angle I’ve taken with this, and I want the students to have an idea of what they want to write and a certain outcome in their head rather than just showing up every day. The kids are beginning to set a course, and they’re more focused because of it.”

One other thing Stegman does is help lead Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) at the Crookston High School. FCA has been around the Crookston area since Stegman was born, and he says it’s an excellent way for students to connect. “It’s a little more humble now than it used to be,” said Stegman. “We meet every Thursday morning in my classroom at 7:15, and the kids that come are very dedicated and wonderful, and they see that there is more in the school than just the academic day itself. It’s been a great tradition, there is a message that is given every time, and it’s a great opportunity for people to show up and have something else to do before school starts.”

For the entire conversation with Gary Stegman and more on his story, you can tune in to KROX Saturday morning at 8:35 for the Focus on Education program. Stegman talked more about his past and mentioned a few art competitions coming up that students will be competing in. You can listen on 105.7 FM, 1260 AM, or by clicking “Listen Live” at the top of this page.