Grand Forks Police Department to take part in Click it or Ticket Campaign Nov. 1 – Dec. 12

In an effort to keep our roadways safe, The Grand Forks Police Department will take part in a “Click it or Ticket” Enforcement Campaign, which will involve selective traffic enforcement by several officers looking specifically for seatbelt violations.

Law enforcement will be working targeted enforcement shifts from November 1st through December 12 2024. Our primary goal during this campaign is to ensure motorists are utilizing their safety belts while operating their vehicles within Grand Forks. This program is funded by the ND DOT and will allow additional officers to be assigned specifically to enforce this type of violation during this campaign.

The Grand Forks Police Department wants to remind the public seatbelt violations are a primary reason to conduct a traffic stop. All passengers inside a vehicle must be wearing a seatbelt as well.

North Dakota Seat Belt Law (Began August 1, 2023)

  • All front seat and back seat occupants must be buckled up regardless of age. 
  • Children younger than eight years of age are required to ride in a child restraint (car seat or booster seat). 

Primary vs. Secondary Law

  • Primary law allows law enforcement to stop and issue a seat belt citation to someone for not wearing a seat belt.
  • Secondary law allows law enforcement to issue a seat belt citation when a driver is pulled over for a different infraction.

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