The Crookston School District announced Highland Elementary School had had two positive COVID-19 test results on Monday afternoon.  The two new cases are the third and fourth positive test for a student, teacher, or staff in the Crookston School District since the start of the school year.  “It actually shocks me that we have had so few cases in our district,” said Superintendent Jeremy Olson. “I watch what our district nurse has done, Polk County Public Health has done, and how they get on it quickly, that is a great strategy to limit the spread.”

The district still hasn’t seen COVID spread through the school yet, which is why they have only had four positive tests so far this school year. “The cases weren’t a spread type of thing, but it was two isolated incidents, and we got the spread under control,” said Olson. “Honestly, as you look at the demographics and the spread throughout the state, you can see we are going to get numbers.  Now it’s about making sure we contain it and protect those who are vulnerable, and we are using strategies that contain the spread within the school.  It has been coming from outside the school, and we haven’t seen spread in the school.”

Superintendent Olson said for any parents/guardians with concerns, they can contact him by stopping by his office or call him on his cell phone at 218-770-8717.