Proof that Crookston’s Kurt Heldstab is all about making our community better? He was recognized twice during RiverView Health’s recent Annual Meeting, both recognitions for volunteerism. There is no doubt that Kurt Heldstab reaches out to serve his community; therefore, it only makes sense that he receive RiverView’s 2019 Reaching Out to Serve Award.

For 30 years, RiverView has recognized individuals, groups, and programs with the Reaching Out to Serve Award given to those that symbolize RiverView’s mission of serving the region while demonstrating innovativeness voluntary of self-initiated efforts and works to improve the access, quality, or cost-effectiveness of healthcare.

The honor is fitting for Heldstab, as he was also recognized at the January 27th event for the completion of three terms on the Foundation’s Board of Directors.

“Kurt’s ties to RiverView Health run deep,’’ shared Foundation Director Kent Bruun. “He was a member of the Riverview Healthcare Association Board from 1999-2008, served on the Foundation Board for the last nine years, and maintains his membership with the RiverView Auxiliary. During Kurt’s commitment to these Boards, he has been a part of two major capital campaigns: FutureView and RiverView 2020.’’

His commitment to healthcare goes beyond his service on the Boards, as well.  By serving as a spokesperson and sharing his personal experience with cancer and the services he received at RiverView after his diagnosis, Heldstab has convinced many area men to take the time to participate in annual prostate screening events offered each June. Through the Foundation, he also financially supports the screening events.

Heldstab was emotional as he accepted the Reaching Out to Serve Award. He talked about his family’s long relationship with RiverView, from his sister working at RiverView and having her children there to his granddaughters being born at RiverView.

“And then there’s me. In December ’96, I came into RiverView going, ‘I need a pill to get well because I have too much stuff to do at home.’ Within three months, I had two major surgeries. Dr. Steven Schultz was one of the doctors,’’ Heldstab shared as he looked at Schultz, a former RiverView urologist and current Board member present at the meeting. “And I got a new lease on life. I’m just paying it forward.’’

Besides RiverView, Heldstab is also a long-term Board member and current president of the Crookston Housing and Economic Development Authority, served on the Crookston Men’s Bowling Association, has been an officer of the Crookston Classic Cruisers, and has served for the Crookston Cathedral’s Capital Fundraising Campaign, among other efforts.

“RiverView Health, RiverView Foundation, our great community, and the patients we serve have all benefitted greatly from the charitable support and powerful gifts of time, membership, guidance, leadership, and talent that Kurt has provided,’’ said Bruun. “I have been deeply touched and inspired by knowing Kurt and witnessing his commitment to serve others.’’

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