The Crookston School District will have a new Orchestra Director this school year, as Lori Carlson, a 1996 Crookston Central High School graduate, has been hired.

Carlson said it is nice to be back home. “It feels really good. It doesn’t feel as strange as I thought because it’s my hometown, and it’s teaching what I’ve taught for years and years,” said Carlson. “I’m just getting back into the swing of things, and the best part so far is getting to meet my new students.”

Carlson will teach grades 4-12, covering Highland Elementary School and the Crookston High School Orchestra programs. Carlson has a few goals she would like to achieve in her first year as Orchestra Director. “Basically, get to know the program, get to know the students, where they are at in their playing abilities, selecting music that they like but is also educational, and get into the swing of the concerts for the year,” said Carlson.  “This year, I have 140 or so new students to get to know, so the main thing is getting to know everyone in the program.”

Carlson will be carrying on with the Valley Fiddlers this year as well.  Valley Fiddlers is open to all 9-12th grade orchestra students.  Interested seventh or eighth-graders are encouraged to meet with Carlson as she thinks there may be ways to participate. “I am using some of the music from last year and then rotating in some music that I’ve arranged that has some harmony parts that I think some younger students could play too,” says Carlson

Carlson feels she has her work cut out for her in getting to know the program and her students, but she is very encouraged by the support for the orchestra program here in Crookston. “ It sounds like there has been a lot of support for the program and that it was in good care under Ms. Ellis,” said Carlson. “So I want to continue that and learn more of it myself.”

Carlson wants parents to know that this year, 4th graders will be learning about the instruments in September, and parents will get information on signing students up for orchestra if interested.  Also, along with concerts throughout the year for each orchestra, Crookston will be hosting the regional Solo and Ensemble contest for band, choir, and orchestra.  Carlson also plans to work with Mrs. Winger to continue the annual Classic Noel concert tradition in December.

Carlson is eager to get started and to share her love of music with her students. “I’m just excited to get in and get going and meet the families and go from there,” concluded Carlson.

For those students interested in Valley Fiddlers, rehearsals will be Monday, August 19-21 from 3:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. in the CHS Orchestra room. Rehearsals will start the second week of school at 7:30 a.m. in the CHS Orchestra room.

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