With less than average snowfall this year, Crookston’s Adopt a Hydrant program has been pretty slow going. Not that many people have signed up to adopt a hydrant in their area to keep clean this year but that may be due to Mother Nature has been easy on us so far. The attempt to drive up the participation this year was to offer a reward to those who took pride in keeping their hydrants accessible for the Fire Department in case the need arises where they would have to use the hydrant for water supply.  Driving around town the last couple of years has shown that the community has residents that take pride in keeping these hydrants clear during the winter.
One such hydrant that has benefitted from constant attention is located at the intersection of Locken Boulevard and Groveland Avenue. It has affectionately been nicknamed Grover and adopted by the Lubinski Family. The three boys, Tatum, Teagen, and Tucker, along with some help from their dad Jeremy, have kept Grover clean and accessible for the fire department for years.
Every time the plow goes by and leaves a ridge of snow along the curb, you can bet the boys are out there shoveling that snow away.  So it is with great appreciation that this year’s first winners of Crookston’s Adopt a Hydrant program are Tatum, Teagen, and Tucker Lubinski. Thank you from all the Crookston Firefighters.

The Lubinski’s received $20.00 in chamber bucks which made all three boys smile. Jeremy said he would hold onto it while the boys decided where they would use it.