Mark Huglen, Ph.D. has accepted the role of Acting Division Head for the University of Minnesota Crookston Business, Arts, and Education department.

Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, John Hoffman, Ph.D. said while the title “Division Head” follows the University of Minnesota naming conventions for the Crookston campus, the scale and scope of responsibilities reflect those of an academic dean at campuses of similar size and complexity. 
Huglen has been the Chair for the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education for the past two years, and he will replace Kevin Thompson, PhD., Division Head at the end of August. The Division Head role includes additional responsibilities for the Business Department, the Early Childhood Development Center, and the University’s dual-enrollment programs, which serve approximately 900 students annually.  The University welcomed nominations and applications for a one-year appointment as Acting Division Head for the Division of Business, Arts, and Education (BAE) in June.  “I am honored to have the opportunity to serve the Division of Business, Arts, and Education here at The University of Minnesota Crookston,” said Huglen.

Hoffman went on to say that this is an exciting opportunity for tenured faculty in the University of Minnesota System to gain academic leadership experience. “Our approach is unique. Leaders in academics, student affairs, student success, enrollment, and athletics — professionals who typically work in separate areas at most colleges and universities — meet together weekly to ensure that we are creating seamless learning experiences for our students. Perhaps more importantly, it better enables us to place equity and inclusion at the heart of our work across all areas.” said Hoffman.

Additional efforts will be announced in the coming weeks as the campus will launch a search for a permanent Division Head early in the Fall semester.