Minneschlagen, a company recently started by two couples with Crookston roots is offering a new unique game set that gives back to the Crookston community.

Michael Nicholas and Matt and Allison (Bakken) Reck all of Crookston, and Michael’s wife Danielle recently released a Crookston Pirate game set. Nicholas said they’ll be giving a portion of sales back to the high school. “We’re excited about it,” said Nicholas. “We’re excited about the support we’ve seen from Crookston. It’s one of our first high school custom logos. 10 percent of each set that we well will donate directly back to the Pirates Boosters organization at the high school.”

Minneschlagen is also taking the time to recognize faculty and staff at Crookston Public Schools who’ve made a difference in students’ lives with a giveaway. “On Facebook and Instagram, we currently have a giveaway,” said Nicholas. “If you nominate a teacher, staff member, administrator, coach, kitchen staff, janitorial staff, anyone affiliated with any role at the high school that made a difference in your life. We’re going to give away a couple of t-shirts, stickers, magnets, called a swag-pack if you will, for both the person that nominates that person as well as the winner of that nomination.  We haven’t decided how we’re going to select that person, perhaps on what they say about that person or the person that gets the most votes, but the winner will be announced next Monday.”

The local connection and support of the community are a big reason they want to give back, said Nicholas. “I think the big thing comes back to three of us being from Crookston and our routes being from Crookston,” said Nicholas. “And the support that we saw from the beginning of Minneschlagen, we’ll continue to partner with Crookston on different initiatives. I’ve been in contact with Nell DeBoer on a few different ones around Ox Cart Days and the Crookston Visitor’s Bureau with the new logo. Anything that we can do, and any partnership we can do in Crookston that we can be a part of and help support in any possible way through the Minneschlagen website, Facebook, Instagram, we would love to do that. A big thing is the money that we’re giving back, but a big part of it is the support we saw, from the get-go, of Minneschlagen. Just thanking the community and, hopefully, raising some funds to give back to Crookston. Go, Pirates!”  

To order one, click here.