The Crookston Housing and Economic Development Authority (CHEDA) will have a monthly radio show on KROX beginning Monday, May 6 at 1:00 p.m. The show will be live in the KROX studios the first Monday of each month, with KROX Radio owner/General Manager Chris Fee interviewing/talking with CHEDA Executive Director Craig Hoiseth.

Hoiseth said the program is being created as a result of one of the objectives set forth by the CHEDA Board of Commissioners during his yearly review to increase the public relations and media footprint for CHEDA.  “Last year at my performance review the Board of Commissioners set forth an objective for me to get a higher profile in terms of media relations and public relations in the community of Crookston,” said Hoiseth. “Maybe let people know a little bit more about what CHEDA is doing, what some of our programs are, illuminating us in a positive light.  Sometimes people just don’t know enough about us so they wonder and become a little skeptical.  This is an avenue we can use to make sure we are telling our story, a positive story for Crookston.  We’re going to do a live interview in the station, do some Q & A, and hopefully put out some good information, possibly even some features on our Board of Commissioners, who are doing a great job and volunteering their time for CHEDA.  Looking forward to that starting on Monday.”

CHEDA offers a variety of programs from housing rehab loans, to business loans and grants and Hoiseth said he imagines they dive into a program or two during each show. “We know there is too much to get through in one show,” Hoiseth. “So we’re going to do this over the course of the next several months. We’ll tackle some programs whether it be loan programs, housing programs or business programs that we have at CHEDA.  Maybe we’ll dive into one this month and one the next month, etc.”