At the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year, Crookston High School implemented a new eligibility rule for anyone competing or participating in Athletic/Activity competitions. The new rule was designed to try and keep more students eligible for competition while also not falling behind in their studies.

Crookston High School Activities Director Greg Garmen explained the rule and how it’s different this year. “We used to check grades every mid-quarter and at the end of the quarter, and they were a little different in some ways, so people were getting confused,” said Garmen. “This year, we decided to do a grade check every Monday morning, and then we pass that information onto the coaches, so they are aware of who is eligible and who is not.”

The requirements for the students who are participating in activities this year are simple. You must be passing all your classes every week to be eligible to perform in the upcoming week. If the student is ineligible, they will have that week to get their grades back up. If the student can get their grade back up by the following weekly grade report, they will once again be eligible to compete in their activity.

Garmen said the number of students on the list throughout the fall sports season was minimal and that the school is very pleased with how the new rule has been working. “As the fall has gone by, the number of kids on the ineligible list has been pretty good, and the numbers have been really low,” said Garmen. “We have had a few glitches, but we deal with those on a case-by-case basis, and as I said, the kids that have made the list have been very minimal up to this point.”

Garmen says teachers are also already informing the school that students have been much better about turning assignments in on time. “I had one teacher tell me that it’s made a real difference, so that’s great to hear,” said Garmen. “There has maybe been a little added pressure on the staff to get those numbers in weekly since it affects the kids, but both the students and the teachers have been doing a fabulous job with this new process.”

At the beginning of the school year, it was undetermined how students taking classes through UMC would be affected and how often their grades would be checked. Garmen said the school has worked those details out now, and it’s been going well. “Tara Klein, our guidance counselor, has been checking in with UMC and those students to make sure there aren’t any issues,” said Garmen. “If there were issues, she would inform us about it, but we also understand that those students are challenging themselves to be their best, and they are committed to working hard in the classroom. We haven’t had any issues with those students up to this point which is good, and it’s not something we’re too concerned about dealing with moving forward.”

It will be a busy time of the year for athletics, starting today with Winter sports beginning as Girls Hockey has their first practice. Garmen says the Monday grade checks for activities and athletics may be busier with more names to go through, but he is hopeful that the positive fall with minimal athletes missing time due to being ineligible will continue into the winter sports season.