Pirate Girl’s Soccer falls to Bemidji 3-0

The Crookston Pirate Girls Soccer team struggled offensively while only get one shot on goal and lost to the Bemidji Lumberjacks 3-0 Tuesday afternoon at the Crookston High School Soccer Field.

Bemidji took the opening kickoff, and started the game with some nice passing in the middle third of the field. The possession would end after a kick out of bounds around 40 seconds into the game. A pirate throw-in was taken by the Lumberjacks, but it was shortly cleared away. Bemidji would soon advance the ball onto Crookston’s end of the field, but the Pirate defense stood strong in the passing lanes. Mady Knutson saved a goal with a clearing kick out of bounds, and Naomi Johnson got in the way of the first shot attempt off a corner kick. Katherine Corradi from Bemidji scored first in the third minute, giving the Lumberjacks a 1-0 lead. Crookston would have a couple of offensive chances and long shots on the ensuing possession, both of which were cleared out by Lumberjack defenders. The Lumberjacks would get another offensive chance moments later, but good defense from Crookston’s Miryah Epema saved another possession. The Lumberjacks would tack on another goal in the 8th minute from Corradi, who sent a low ball into the back of the net to make it 2-0 off of an assist from Ella Willford. Pirates head coach Sarah Reese says the team rebounded well after the early adversity. “We have to choose our attitude. We can sit down and have our own pity party, or we can rise up and play the competitive game I know we can,” Reese said. Corradi had another shot attempt for Bemidji, but missed as she tripped over the ball. Crookston’s defensive position would continue to improve, as there were several instances of two-on-one defense. Bemidji’s shots became increasingly longer as well, as a near sideline shot from Bemidji’s Mya Thompson went right into the gloves of Johnson. A Bemidji free kick would miss the mark wide left in the 19th minute. Tactful Lumberjack passing created a few lanes in the 22nd minute, but there was still not enough space to get a shot on goal. The next few minutes would result in a stalemate in the middle third and sidelines, until Bemidji was able to get a couple of offensive chances in the 25th minute. A Lumberjack shot was missed to the left, and another was cleared out by Mady Knutson of Crookston. The 29th minute saw a long centering ball, but the Lumberjack forwards were unable to connect on a pass. Crookston was able to keep the ball in the middle third for a few minutes following a Knutson goal kick. In the 32nd minute, Bemidji’s Emma Stay had a one-on-one chance against Brooklyn Waldahl, who cleared the ball out of bounds before Stay could fire a shot. Many substitutions came in the final minutes of the first half, as the warm temperatures wore down players from both sides. In the 34th minute, Johnson picked up a nice save on a long shot from Bemidji’s Isabelle Vaughn. This was the first of a couple chances for the Lumberjacks in their offensive third, but the patience of the Pirate defense resulted in some errant passes and few shot attempts to close out the half. “We intentionally played a different style of defense tonight that’s a little more compact, so it works on clogging the passing lanes and taking away the second pass,” said Reese.

Crookston started with the ball to open the half, but the Lumberjacks quickly stole the possession. It would be ended moments later by an offside call against Bemidji. Mady Knutson was briefly able to run the ball to the middle third in the 42nd minute. Her intended pass for Jennika Reese was long, and picked up by Bemidji. Crookston was able to play tight defense for the next few minutes, and clear many Lumberjack pass attempts. A Bemidji handball in the 45th minute gave Crookston a free kick, but it resulted in a clearing kick. More tough Pirate defense gave Audrey Bantrum a chance with the ball up the sideline, but Bemidji was able to shut it down swiftly. Naomi Johsnon would be tested once again, as she picked up another save on the right side of the goal after a Lumberjack shot attempt in the 47th minute. Bemidji would get another shot off in the 50th minute, but it missed high over the net. Bemidji was able to open their passing more as the half progressed, but aggressive and well positioned defense from the Pirates kept shots to a minimum. In the 55th minute, the referees blew a play dead before a Lumberjack scored, which wiped the goal off the board. Johnson made another save off a slow rolling ground ball, then another one after that as she dove on a shot from the right. The next five minutes of play were filled with defensive stands, with several more clearing kicks to the middle third, and another Johnson save on a corner kick in the 60th minute. Kayce Christenson scored for Bemidji in the 61st minute on a left rolling ground ball, increasing the lead to 3-0. Johnson made a save on the next Lumberjack shot, as she perfectly tracked a centering ball. Crookston’s defense tightened over the next five minutes, playing tight coverage and intercepting a few passes. Crookston had a chance on offense in the 67th minute, but the Lumberjack defense forced a turnover before failing on a fast break chance. Patience from Jennika Reese on defense and a block from Miryah Epema prevented another score. Crookston continued defensively by pushing Bemidji to the middle third, and clearing any passes out of bounds on the sidelines. When Bemidji got into scoring position, a Johnson block on a shot attempt followed by a clearout kick to the sidelines from a Pirate defender saved another goal. Johnson made a great save on another centering ball, as she stepped in front of the shot attempt from Bemidji’s Taylor Merschman. “[Naomi] had a rock solid game today. She saved us many times tonight,” said Reese. In the 75th minute, Crookston briefly entered Bemidji’s defensive third, but the Pirates were unable to get a shot. Aubrey Bantrum had another offensive chance for Crookston moments later, and a foul was called on Bemidji. Crookston’s Maddie Harbott took the free kick, but a save was made by Bemidji goalkeeper Brynn Klaers after the shot was almost scored in the center of the net. The Pirates were on defense for the final two minutes of play, and finished without allowing another goal.

Crookston drops to 0-7 on the year and will host Fergus Falls Hillcrest on Thursday. Bemidji improves to 4-3-1 on the year.


Scoring –
3:32 – Bemidj – Katherine Corradi
7:02 – Bemidji – Katherine Corradi (Ella Willford)
61:32 – Bemidji – Kayce Christenson (Ella Willford)

Naomi Johnson – Crox51117
Brynn Klaers011

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